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Cheese Baka, Homemade 4.5 lb=2pieces $30 if you have some question,please contact us 570-251-7751 or Email us

Cheese Baka, Homemade 4.5 lb=2pieces $30

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$ 30.00

if you have some question,please contact us 570-251-7751 or Email us

Product Detail:

Babka, meaning "cake" in Polish, is a sweet enriched bread traditionally served at Easter-time. In Poland, as in many European countries, it was common for the kitchen to be emptied of things like sugar, eggs and butter during the season of Lent. Fat Tuesday (or Mardi Gras) was only a celebration because of the pressure to use up these items before Lent began the following day, on Ash Wednesday. After 40 days of prayers and penance, the butter, sugar and eggs were cracked into again on Easter! For this reason, babka basically loads in as much enrichment as possible.Babka is a bread/cake that is meant to be eaten and enjoyed in celebration. We grew up getting our babka from a local Polish Deli. It wasn't until later on that we began making it ourselves. We love a good chocolate babka, but this sweet cheese babka, with swirls of rich cream cheese filling and piles of crumble on top, will always take first place.